Managing Director Matthew Light told Comms Business Magazine, “There are more than 300 ISPs operating in the UK and for many resellers who need to supply connectivity for their end users the choice of who to partner with can be fraught and fractious. Dealing directly with ISPs who have their own national networks for ad-hoc requirements results in getting a quality product at an uncompetitive baseline discounted price whereas buying from an unknown or unrecognised brand may provide low cost but leaves the quality and support elements open to real doubt.”
According to Light his company’s new deal with Virgin Media Business breaks this mould in that Tempura can provide high quality connectivity in the form of leased lines, IP VPNs and MPLS at prices that would ‘make resellers eyes water’. In addition, Light says Tempura will make these prices even more attractive if connectivity is ordered in association with their leading brand conferencing solutions.
Light continued, “As any savvy reseller will tell you, reliable connectivity for their customers is vital in order to effectively run business applications such as e-commerce, and Software as a Service applications such as accounting and video conferencing. Why would resellers want to take a risk of losing those customers with questionable quality products where perhaps just one engineer and his mobile phone is available for out of hours support?”
As well as working closely with Virgin Media Business Tempura’s other key connectivity vendors for channel partners are Easynet and Vodafone.
Concluding, Matthew Light says, “Tempura is enabling resellers to provide quality connectivity at prices not seen before in the channel. These are high availability and scalable products where resellers can gain all the benefits of big player support at a price point that will make them truly competitive. So, buy a brand that you recognise and a quality product your customer deserves.”