ComputerTel believes that this new Charter will help communicate more effectively with their Customers, End Users and employees, to offer expectations of the standard of service delivery to anticipate.
“ComputerTel’s ethos is all about offering our customers the best possible Customer Care we can, so we felt that the most prominent way of showing our commitment to them, was to create a Customer Charter” said Customer Service Director Sarah-Jane Heber-Hall. ” The Customer Service team worked with all departments, to produce a Charter that set acceptable but realistic targets that we could measure and monitor annually, and ensure that promises made in the charter are being met and hopefully exceeded. This will allow us to ‘raise the bar’ in the following years and continue to ‘go the extra mile’ to meet and hopefully exceed, our customer’s expectations.”
The purpose of the Charter is to tell customers the standards of service to expect, what to do if something goes wrong, and how to make contact with ComputerTel, quickly and easily. The Charter helps internal and external customers to understand clearly the services ComputerTel provide.