“Having already tested maximiser with those starting to offer IP Trunk Services, including Gamma Telecom, VoiceFlex, Gradwell.Com and VoIP Unlimited, we’re witnessing an ever-increasing demand for a wide variety of reasons.
Over the last month we’ve seen SIP trunks temporarily used instead of ISDN – BT couldn’t provision an ISDN 30 service in the required timescales – by an existing Call Centre customer who was relocating. They’ve since had the ISDN service installed, however, the provisioning and implementation of the SIP trunks as a temporary solution was such a pain free experience for all involved that it’s almost certain to be used for expanding the incoming call capacity of the Call Centre in the near future. We’ve also witnessed a customer go live this month using H.323 trunks only – no ISDN or analogue bearers. Far from the availability of SIP trunks killing off customer interest in H.323 we’re seeing an up-turn in interest – witness the new Thus IP Service, which is based on H.323 only. As maximiser supports both VoIP formats our resellers and customers can rest assured that they’ve made the right choice for both today and the future.”
Hayman adds that on the terminal front, he is finding great interest in SIP phones being used in conjunction with WiFi to provide a converged mobility solution.
“Solutions Inc, a Brighton based Apple Reseller and Internet Service Provider Solutions has deployed maximiser, overlaid on a secure wireless infrastructure from Meru Networks, to provide a single seamless system between its two offices.
Using SIP/WiFi handsets from Hitachi employees can roam freely between locations, taking DDI and group calls wherever they are – even if they’re walking between the two buildings. Solutions Inc are also using maximiser as a SIP Gateway for their ClearMeet Online Collaboration tool.