The research concludes that while CSPs remain challenged by inflexible legacy systems, a raft of data management issues, and recession-driven budget constraints, there is good news ahead.
“Given the maturity of the core services market, service providers in the report say they will increasingly focus on customer experience and especially customer retention,” said Rob Rich, managing director, TM Forum Insights and editor of the report.
“Because of the importance relegated to those critical success factors, most service providers surveyed also cited top management support, strong program governance and effective customer data management as the most important success factors for improving customer experience,” added Rich.
“In examining these forces, it becomes clear CSPs must shun the one size fits all approach of the past, as customer service is no longer an act of altruism, but instead a strategic initiative that impacts your bottom line,” said Rich.
The report examines how pursuing an experience-led strategy and different approach has, for example, catapulted Apple to its most successful fiscal quarter, despite the global economic downturn. It highlights the role of customer experience management in increasing customer lifetime value, and ultimately increasing profitability. “We try to show how CSPs can build the same type of brand loyalty and profitability as an Apple if they approach customer experience strategically and holistically,” added Rich.