This is confirmed by feedback from the exhibitors who all rated the Summit events as better than other UK channel events and would recommend the shows to industry peers.
Scott Dobson, Managing Director at VCOMM summarises “It’s been very good. We were here last year for the first time and exhibit at the Summit South. We are committed to continuing to do so. Certainly as a Northerner I am pleased to be up here. It holds the right mix of clients and exhibitors to be a worthwhile event”.
These views are shared by the visitors, with 90% rating the show as good through to excellent. Mark Rushworth, Director at Xrio Limited comments “Thank you for putting on an excellent event this year which unusually for the North had a sizeable turn-out with many high quality exhibitors, seminars and side shows. I particularly valued the panel event on the second day which served to reinforce our businesses change in direction and left everyone enthused and chatting about the many opportunities opening up for Xrio”.
When asked if they would be attending next year’s event, David Alldritt of HIGHnet responded “The answer has to be yes, because there’s no other way I can get so much productive work done with so many different people in such a short space of time!”.
The post-show video is now available on The Convergence Summit website with highlights from the show and feedback from both exhibitors and visitors. You can also download the seminar presentations and take a look at all the photos from the event. Click on to find out more.
Miles Bossom, Managing Director of event organiser Miles Publishing concludes “We are exceptionally pleased with how successful this event has been and the support from the channel. We have found the Northern resellers to be very receptive of an event located in Manchester and we look forward to building upon this success next year when we move to a bigger venue, The Exchange Hall, Manchester Central”.