The event did not disappoint and from the 10am opening until the 4.30pm close visitors arrived in droves. A total attendance figure of 1988 was achieved over the two day duration breaking all previous records.
Andrew Williams of Buy Trade Phones Ltd commented, “Buy Trade Phones has attended many Telecoms industry events but none have been as good as the Convergence Summit!!! There was a real sense of positive energy about the Summit from many informative exhibitors. It is important for growing businesses like ours to know what is happening in our marketplace, which is why we visited the Summit. Whilst there we made a whole host of useful contacts and connections, there is no doubt we will be attending the next one!”
Stuart Pollard, New Business Account Manager at reseller Link Telecom said “Shows like the Convergence Summit are the only place to see all manufacturers under one roof and to find out about new products. Despite dealing with them every day we only found out at the Summit that Samsung have a new video phone out!!”
And it’s not just UK visitors that made the effort to visit. Dennis Archer of 3WM Incorporated stated, “It’s been a great show well worth the journey from Canada! I will definitely be back next year!”
Event Director, Miles Bossom said of the event, “This year we surpassed all our expectations. We sold 70% more stands year on year and delivered our highest visitor numbers ever. Around 80% of exhibitors have already confirmed their stand for 2007 which shows the support we enjoy from the marketplace. I could not be happier and look forward to building on our success with our future events.
In 2007 The Convergence Summit will take place on 9th & 10TH October at Sandown Park, Esher, Surrey. For details of other planned events keep visiting this website and reading Comms Business Magazine.