Based in Ipswich, CAA employs over 60 staff and will use the new integrated solution to reduce the time it takes for motor accident claims to be processed. Supplied by Swyx Gold partner GP Network Solutions the new SwyxWare UC solution will replace its existing telephony system to allow full integration with the company’s Claim and Repair Accident Tracking (CARAT) system.
IT Director at CAA Mark Collis comments on the new initiative, “As a ‘pure’ IP based UC solution the offering from Swyx had several advantages over all the other products we looked at. Both its simple integration capabilities and its impressive standard feature set such as call recording, call routing and easy scripting meant that we could implement the solution at a fraction of the cost of carrying out the development work ourselves.”
Using the CARAT system, CAA’s clients are able to access full claim information about their fleet around the clock remotely, via a web browser. The database provides detailed information customised to each client’s requirements including average repair cost, vehicle down time, and average claim costs.
According to Mark the effectiveness of this system will now be vastly improved as one of principle components of each claim, ‘the conversation’ between claimants and insurers, can now be recorded. He explains, “The Swyx solution allows us to capture each telephone conversation and store it as a ‘data record’ within each of our tracking files, thus combining both voice and data information within a single entity. This makes it very easy for our customers to track progress on claims and repairs as all the relevant information is available in one place at a click of a mouse.”
He continues, “Another feature we like is the Interactive Voice Response (IVR) capabilities. With the Swyx system this is very easy to set up and use in house without the need to call on support from a third-party. Also it is very flexible allowing us to route calls to the appropriate specialist with the least number of key strokes. This has resulted in calls being resolved quickly and efficiently”.
GP Network Solutions (GPNS) will also assist CAA in designing and implementing a disaster recovery plan which in part will take advantage of Swyx’s seamless remote access capabilities and SwyxMobile. Mark concludes, “We are very happy with both the Swyx solution and the professionalism and expert knowledge demonstrated by GPNS. We now have a productive Unified Communications platform, which we can customise and build on as our business evolves”.