According to Andy Herring at distributor Crane Telecommunications, choosing a professional voicemail to compliment your LG phone system just got simpler and more cost effective.
“The fully featured 4 port VoxBox with 10 hours of recording time and 128 mailboxes has just been reduced in price and now costs less than the old 2 port voicemail.”
VoxBox offers automated attendant, multi-lingual greetings, local-remote programming, day/night/holiday modes, transfer to operator and performance statistics
“There are two new cost effective ways to buy the 4 port VoxBox, either at the new single unit price or as an even more cost effective multi-buy price for 5 units. Alternatively, there is the 8 port VoxBox. These new prices are available now and will be sold in place of the “Lite” and “4LG” products, which will no longer be available.”