The re-appointment will be for a period of 2 years, commencing after the end of his cur-rent term. The appointment will end on 31 July 2009, after the completion of two terms.
In announcing the re-appointment, Tessa Jowell said: "David Currie has been instru-mental in the successful establishment of Ofcom as the UK's regulator for the communi-cations industries and I congratulate him on that achievement. The complexity of form-ing and developing such an organisation, taking on the different roles of all the five predecessor organisations, should not be under-estimated. The challenges facing Of-com in carrying out its role over the next few years are of course considerable, and I am very pleased that as a result of his reappointment, David will be able to continue leading Ofcom's Board in tackling those challenges effectively."
Alan Johnson also welcomed the re-appointment, saying: "We are pleased that David Currie has accepted the invitation to remain as Chairman of Ofcom for a second, final, term in communications regulation. Since Ofcom was established it has developed an excellent reputation among stakeholders for its firm yet flexible approach to regulation.
"David's role in providing a strategic direction to Ofcom, has been invaluable, and his reappointment will help ensure that Ofcom continues to build effectively on the substan-tial foundations which David and his colleagues have laid."