The telecoms company will be holding a Christmas auction on Friday, 16th December where its sales staff can bid for a multitude of top prizes, using their hard-earned Daisy Dollars.
The auction, to be held at Daisy’s Lancashire headquarters, is a culmination of sales activity over three months during which time employees have been totting up their ‘dollars’ to spend on the day.
Some 300 sales staff will have a two hour period to bid for the prizes, which this year include everything from a holiday to Las Vegas to the use of a BMW Z3 for a month.
Daisy Group plc’s Director of Sales, Karen Ullah, said: “With all the economic uncertainty going on in the Eurozone at the moment, we are pleased to have launched one currency that won’t fall flat in the recession!
“This time of year is expensive for everyone, with or without the current debt crisis. Collecting Daisy Dollars is one way of encouraging staff to bag a well-earned treat this Christmas.
“Already there is a real buzz of anticipation around the office as to who wants what prize and who has the dollars to bid for them. There is everything to play for.”
In a similar fashion to last year’s auction, Daisy’s very own answer to ‘The Duke’ will be once again staging the event in the style of bargain hunter David Dickinson a.k.a. Head of Mobile Sales Mark Lomas, who will be auctioning off £15,000 worth of prizes.
All of the 70 prizes on offer at the auction have been displayed in a traditional lot brochure for sales people to look at, and it is then up to each individual to decide what they want to bid on and how much they are willing to raise their bid against the competition.
Mark said: “We thought last year’s quad bike was ‘a real bobby dazzler’, but with a trip to Las Vegas up for grabs, we can certainly say there is no ‘tat’ or ‘duffers’ in this year’s haul either.
“I can’t wait to get into character, donning a snazzy suit, applying fake tan and banging down the gavel. Let the bidding wars commence!”