The mobile arm of Daisy Group plc has changed the way it rewards partners for both voice and landline to help them realise the benefit of their customers’ billing earlier and improve their revenue share cash flow.
New voice connections will continue to receive a full advance for the committed elements of a customer’s bill, but will now realise the additional revenue share on a monthly basis. This not only improves the cash position for its partners, but also provides crystalised data on how their bases are performing.
Resigns will also now benefit from a full revenue share advance of the primary leader and sharers plus the monthly revenue share release.
Within its landline proposition, Daisy Distribution has again shifted model. Rather than being paid a percentage of the O2 landline revenue share each month, partners are now given an advanced payment every 12 months the customers are in contract with an annual reconciliation of any out of bundle spend.
Daisy Distribution’s Head of Marketing, Julien Parven, explained: “These changes just mean that we are recognising the revenue share earlier and paying this to partners as it is accrued, rather than asking them to wait for a reconciliation window mid-contract to see that benefit.
“And with our change to the landline commercial model we’re giving partners an upfront cash benefit from day one, simplifying the proposition and making it more attractive for salespeople to sell.”
He added: “Our aim is to really gain some added momentum behind our O2 proposition and stimulate further activity from partners.
“While we want to see an increase in sales that we give back to O2, this is also a chance to work with partners to help improve the cash flow, which will ultimately give them security to invest their business back into O2.”
In support of both initiatives, Daisy Distribution is working with partners to lay down marketing plans to attack customer segments and is also offering additional financial support to close business through its series of deal clinic events.
In addition, it has announced a connections incentive for Quarter 4 where all BlackBerry and Landline connections made qualify for a cash bonus to the exclusive Daisy Distribution prepaid debit card.