The service can be offered as a public or private cloud with the standard offering including full voice, voicemail and unified communications (UC) with additional applications such as web collaboration as enhancements.
With Datrix Cloud Services, the communications infrastructure can scale up and down depending on the day to day and seasonal demands of a business – giving the ultimate flexibility.
Datrix’s Public Cloud Service will open the door to advanced UC and UCC features such as One Number and Multi-device access to organizations of all sizes. Calls can be routed to a mobile or desk phone as appropriate, reducing barriers to access for potential customers or other business-critical communications. Combined with Multi-device access, a company can have a single number assigned to almost any mobile or static telecommunications device, increasing productivity and allowing staff to choose when and how they are to be contacted, based on their availability and irrespective of their location.
Tony Smith, sales director indirect channel, Siemens Enterprise Communications commented that “We are excited about our partnership with Datrix and are impressed by their positive, forward-thinking attitude and passion towards opening up enterprise UC services for SME, Corporate and the Public Sector. Datrix’s experience in hosted applications and data centre services makes them the right partner to bring cloud services to the telecoms market.”
Mahmood Chaudhri, managing director, Datrix “In these times of financial austerity, more and more enterprises are identifying ways of increasing their efficiency by moving to a flexible, operational cost model for their IT and communications in the cloud. We have partnered with Siemens Enterprise Communications to deliver our Cloud Services due to the unparalled technological capability of the OpenScape portfolio, especially around virtualization and the ability to deliver a multi-tenanted proposition.”