Destiny’s solutions, based on Anoto digital pen and paper technology, can achieve dramatic savings in time and money for clients, and can transform the productivity of their mobile workforces. Meeting performance targets which relate to clients’ expectations is therefore at the heart of Destiny’s operation, and relies heavily on the skills and organisation of its people.
The programme required to plan and implement new processes to achieve the IIP standard took 15 months, and involved every department and all 40 people in the business.
Elaine Smart, who managed this programme, said: “Our communications are even better than before, and our people can now clearly see how they’re all working towards the same goals. Every department has five or six key performance indicators which they report on every week to our business review meeting, and which are seen by everyone in the company. Our KPI cascade process now links everything together in an open and transparent way – including our appraisal system.”
Edward Belgeonne, CEO and founder of Destiny, added: “This has been a very helpful process in building further on capabilities we already had in place. It’s enabling us to ensure we’re communicating effectively at all levels, and developing the business though the efficient management of clear KPIs that everyone understands.”