In 2002 He was accepted onto the young entrepreneurs’ programme which amongst others had Andrew Dickson (a highly successful business leader) as a key mentor. Andrew instilled in Mark the need to exceed customer expectations, ensure business practices are sound and staff training and development are central to everything! Eleven years later with a thriving business and committed staff Mark has proved that he certainly listened to what he was told and is continuing to invest in the future of the company. Digicomm has recently employed two apprentices, Tom Hyde in IT who is studying for the Microsoft Certified IT Professional (MCITP) and Andrew Butler, in Sales and Marketing who is completing an NVQ in Business Administration and will go forward to complete the CIM diploma in Marketing.
Andrew Butler is delighted at his opportunity to work at Digicomm, “ I had completed my A levels and was working in retail and really enjoyed the marketing element of the role but wanted to take it to the next level, Digicomm will allow me to do this.” Tom Hyde who is undertaking engineering projects said, “ I love technology and wanted to pursue this as a career, I completed my NVQs at college and decided that I really needed some practical experience.”
Although not yet even 40 Mark recognises the need for ‘young blood’ in the company. “We need to develop young people, invest in them. I am impressed by both Andrew and Tom’s enthusiasm and fresh way of looking at business. I think they will both do really well for themselves and for the company.”