New features in the MSP include a host of new rating and charging applications such as the ability to allow Service Providers to offer bundled voice minutes and messaging packages. Users can then buy “add-on” usage bundles with prepaid vouchers that allow them to make cut-price calls to specific destinations. This functionality will be particularly attractive in the prepaid market where providers can become MVNOs by migrating customers, including calling card users, onto targeted prepaid mobile offerings using incentives such as cheap calls to international destinations.
The Digitalk MSP can also be configured to support converged offerings from fixed-line and mobile operators, calling card providers, callback services and VoIP providers. The platform allows operators to launch postpaid and prepaid fixed-mobile services using a single customer balance, common voicemail and integrated broadband telephony. This allows subscribers to select their preferred mode of communication depending on factors such as cost and convenience.
For smaller Service Providers, the Digitalk MSP can be deployed as a complete standalone telecoms platform supporting both TDM and IP network interconnects, with complete operations and business support facilities. Larger operators can integrate the MSP with their existing network infrastructure, whether based on switched network or IP network elements e.g. as a SIP Application Server integrated with the operator’s NGN architecture. The Service Provider can choose to manage the MSP services in isolation or to integrate the platform with existing OSS / BSS using open web services interfaces.
“As voice revenues continue to decline it is imperative that Service Providers of all shapes and sizes are able to offer their subscribers a mix of converged services,” said Mark Ashdown, Sales and Marketing Director, DIGITALK. “The DIGITALK platform has significantly lowered the barriers to entry into the converged marketplace and can provide the basis for a single converged services portfolio across many different environments.”