Since the programme’s inception in the UK in March 2007, revenue from Easynet’s indirect channel in the UK has increased by 46%, with the average order value doubling as partners focus on enterprise opportunities. The Channel has become a significant and crucial part of the Easynet business. Now this success is to be reflected beyond the UK, as partners across the world share their individual skills to create a truly international partner ‘Ecosystem’.
As customers’ business requirements become increasingly complex, it is now more important than ever to create a strategic ‘Ecosystem’, sharing talents and skills across borders. Easynet’s global programme addresses this. The programme has exactly the same framework across all countries to ensure quality and consistency, but is tailored to each country. This approach ensures partners benefit from Easynet’s local expertise as well as its global experience. Already Easynet’s partners have delivered solutions for customers as far afield as the Cayman Islands, Vancouver, Dubai and Shanghai.
Within Easynet’s global partner programme, there are two categories: Alliance Partners, and Enterprise Solution Partners. Alliance Partners are those who provide global technology expertise; Enterprise Solution Partners are specialists in certain vertical sectors or have specific technical competencies to complement the core Easynet service.
Michael Carter, Managing Director of Netpremacy and Easynet Partner comments on the Programme; ‘Within the Enterprise Solution Partner category, there is a formal accreditation process where partners are rewarded for working more closely with Easynet and other Eco Partners. This means access to MDF funding, as well as the high touch vertical specialists, subsidised sales training and visibility of the future product roadmap to facilitate long term planning. It is a well thought out programme and we are looking forward to being part of it”.
Alan Ryan, Easynet’s Global Alliances Director said: “It’s important to reward the investments made by our partners, their accreditations and ongoing commitment to the Easynet Ecosystem philosophy. We see this as a relationship that is more than just pure orders and revenue. It’s a shared vision and a shared approach, and shared risk and reward in a long term relationship, not a short term deal cycle. Rolling this programme out on a global basis puts us in an incredibly strong position, creating a true global ‘Ecosystem’ of skills to deliver an outstanding, seamless experience to international enterprises”.