The Editor’s Surgery will provide you with the opportunity to spend time with our Editor Ian Hunter to discuss your products, strategies and plans for 2006 as well as giving you the chance to quiz him about how he sees market trends and how companies are dealing with changes in the channel.
The Surgeries will be held in the editorial office at Grove House, Basingstoke on March the 14th, April 11th, and at Comms Channel Expo on May 10th. As with most surgeries, appointments will be limited, in this case to one hour each so they will be allocated on a first come, first served basis.
If you would like to book your appointment or have any questions please call our Editor’s receptionist, Gillian on 01892 559391. Please note this is the only way to book an appointment at the surgery.
And we promise she really will try to give you the appointment you need – no personal details necessary!
For directions to our editorial office in Basingstoke see