The centre piece of three Open Days, the Containerized Data centre Infrastructure was visited by well over 100 guests, all key decision makers, who experienced first-hand the imposing capacity of this innovative, mobile solution to provide the complete answer in circumstances where continuous operation of critical IT hubs is essential. Guests expressed a range of appreciative comments, including how impressed they were by the technology, how much they had been able to learn and how the infrastructure presented a compelling business case.
In addition to a tour of the Containerized Data centre Infrastructure, guests were able to take advantage of specific demonstrations of the individual items of equipment it contains. Visitors were introduced to the new Liebert APM, a compact double conversion online UPS, whilst Avocent software for managing the physical infrastructure of data centres was also prominent. Of equal significance and no less appreciated by guests were Knuerr Miracel Plus racks, Liebert MPX rack power distribution units and Liebert CRV precision cooling modules, making this infrastructure truly fully-featured and totally integrated.