The promotion enables resellers to offer generous discounts to customers in the areas served by any of 38 selected London exchanges who place orders for Entanet’s Ethernet Access Direct service by 30 November 2009. Key elements of the offer include half price connection; free desk survey to identify any excess construction charges; the first £5,000 of any such charges waived; and a standard 30 working day install.
Explaining the rationale behind the promotion, Entanet’s Head of Marketing, Darren Farnden, said: “Ethernet continues to represent a huge revenue opportunity for resellers and systems integrators. The UK Ethernet market is forecast to grow to £1.3bn by 2013 and London is a significant contributor to this opportunity. Ethernet services make commercial and technical common sense for businesses that are heavily dependent on reliable connectivity, need to run critical applications or simply require fast and always-on Internet access. While broadband services can be relied upon to deliver very good levels of performance and availability almost all of the time, there are no absolute guarantees and this can pose a significant risk to business continuity. Some are realising that sharing connectivity with many other users could lead to poor performance. For others, the consequence of losing broadband-based connectivity altogether for several hours is something they dare not think about.”
Available in a variety of 10Mbps, 100Mbps and 1GBps options, Ethernet Access Direct provides a dedicated connectivity solution that supersedes WES and WEES leased line technologies. “Its standardised pricing, advanced test and diagnostic capabilities, integrated resilience options and shorter provisioning times give resellers a compelling proposition to present to their customers” says Farnden. “Furthermore, this promotion gives resellers and their customers greater confidence in respect of potential excess construction charges where civils work is required to deliver the service. In addition to a free desk survey the first £5,000 of excess charges is waived, helping resellers overcome one of the most frequent barriers to Ethernet sales in city locations.”