The new look site, http://www.enta.net, was launched on Monday 21st March and provides easy navigation to valuable information about Entanet’s key products, including packaged and wholesale broadband, Ethernet/leased lines, IP VPNs, colocation, VoIP and more. Quick-links allow visitors to learn about what’s available fast before downloading literature, datasheets, case studies and asking for contact. The site also concisely sets out how Entanet provides channel partners with commercial and technical support, details its resilient national MPLS network and introduces synergi, the online portal that enables Entanet partners to place orders, manage accounts and interact with Entanet teams and other partners.
Commenting on the new website Entanet’s Head of Marketing, Darren Farnden said: “The new site effectively reflects Entanet’s position as the leading wholesale communications provider. The channel is hungry for clear information in the face of increasing market opportunity. Research* suggests for example that medium-sized businesses are moving their focus from controlling cost to growth, with 62 per cent saying they expect to increase their IT spend over the next 12 to 18 months. This is great news for resellers, systems integrators and solution providers and our new site may be the first step they take to identify a wholly reliable voice and data connectivity supplier.”
The new site also actively promotes Entanet’s opinion blog (http://opinion.enta.net) where it discusses topical industry issues, as well as providing RSS feeds to its press releases and options to subscribe to Twitter feeds. Farnden continues “Our aim is to help channel players quickly understand the opportunities and how they can capitalise on them. Our new web site is one step in that process.”