Everything Everywhere has already stated its commitment to delivering best value, best choice and best quality in the industry, to offer a better network and the very best service. The company has revealed what these ambitions would mean for its business customers with a commitment to fostering new ways of working through partnerships, communications services that enable new ways of working, and the power of the combined R&D of the company’s parents, France Telecom and Deutsche Telekom.
Martin Stiven, vice president for business at Everything Everywhere, said: “Our vision of giving customers access to everything everywhere is extremely powerful for our business customers. Being the UK’s biggest operator gives us a unique opportunity to do something special for business. ”
A central element of Everything Everywhere’s intention to provide its business customers with access to everything they need to run their enterprises successfully is a renewed commitment to partnerships. Everything Everywhere intends to actively drive partnerships with companies from all sectors to provide its business customers with pioneering new products and services.
Stiven said: “Whether for hardware, software or companies from non-technology fields, we want to work with the very best on partnerships that innovate and provide our customers with something new. At Everything Everywhere we are throwing open our doors to partners who can help us achieve this goal.”
The business will also foster innovation for its business services by capitalising on technological advances and the R&D capabilities of parents France Telecom and Deutsche Telekom to deliver new ways of working and increase effectiveness and efficiency for its business customers. Everything Everywhere has earmarked a number of areas of focus.
One of those areas is machine to machine. It says the continued growth of M2M will enable the automation of numerous, currently manual, processes and drive a shift in business across transport, retail and the supply chain as well as enabling new business models such as smart metering.
Also, new markets for mobile solutions such as healthcare through the application of advanced technology will continue to increase productivity and reduce costs for health workers and organisations.
Information everywhere will eliminate artificial restrictions on which device and communications technology to use, and integrate core system and business applications across channels and devices to genuinely enable business everywhere, it said.
While HD Voice will provide crystal clear mobile calls and reduced background noise that will open up new applications for the mobile phone, such as in noisy environments, broadcasting and providing a better environment for business communications such as when on conference calls.
Everything Everywhere also commits to providing the very best customer service available to business. With programmes to drive a high performance culture and employee engagement, customer representatives are incentivised on customer satisfaction and not just sales. All business service staff will be based in the UK to ensure they have a deep understanding of the commercial challenges faced by our customers.
Stiven commented: “Our aim is to significantly increase our business customer base by making the most of our resources and the Orange and T-Mobile brands to target the diverse business audience. We will offer services based on the way businesses want to buy from us.”
For small businesses with fewer than 50 employees, Stiven claimed Everything Everywhere will make the most of the Orange and T-Mobile brands’ reach through its shops, online and channel partnerships, with focused propositions targeting specific customer needs.
In the corporate market, Stiven said the company has a major growth opportunity. The new company’s medium and corporate customers want a direct and ongoing relationship with its account teams, said Stiven, who added Everything Everywhere will develop services and propositions for new customers through a single brand that offers all the benefits of Everything Everywhere. The Orange brand has had more focus on large business customers, which is demonstrated by its relative scale and market penetration, so will be the brand that targets new large business customers, he noted.
Everything Everywhere is already investing to deliver the best platform for service, propositions and account management for mid-sized and corporate customers. Contracts and the level and quality of support will remain the same for all of these businesses. In addition, they will enjoy direct and ongoing relationships with service and account management teams, said Stiven.
He continued: “While this is a hugely exciting time for us, our overriding focus in the short, medium and long term is in ensuring that we keep our customers happy with the very best in service, account management and business propositions.”