
Everything Everywhere “massive hit” on 600 jobs

Networks & Network Services
The Communications Workers Union (CWU) says staff are “paying a massive price” as mobile company Everything Everywhere announces up to 600 job losses in back-office roles at sites in Hatfield, Paddington, Bristol and Darlington.

The company (a merger of mobile brands Orange and T-Mobile) briefed staff this week and the support staff have been given a 90 day period before redundancy by 1st February.

CWU deputy general secretary Andy Kerr said: “This is disappointing news and will be very difficult for staff now facing redundancy.

“We predicted large job losses when the merger was announced and redundancies in support roles will not come as a great shock to most staff, but that doesn’t make it any easier for those people affected. Staff are having to pay a massive price for the year old merger of Orange and T Mobile.

“The recent culling of senior executives following the departure of Tom Alexander and appointment of Olaf Swantee was the inevitable trigger for the cutbacks being visited on ordinary workers in the company. In talks with the company we are at least reassured that there are no plans to cut back on front line staff in call centres and shops, or to close buildings.

“We are offering as much practical support to our members in the back office support functions as possible during this difficult time.”

CWU understands that the announced job losses equate to 14 per cent of directly employed support staff across the company and in addition agency staff are having their contracts terminated, amounting to a further 15 per cent of support roles. Taken together, this is a huge hit on staff numbers.