
Exclusive unveiling of Authorised for Wi-Fi devices at CES 2012

Networks & Network Services
Catch Media, provider of a patented licensed Smart Cloud technology platform, Play Anywhere, today announces its partnership with Now Network Media, a subsidiary of Now Advertising Production, headquartered in Hong Kong, an international hi-tech targeted mobile advertising company, to develop, manufacture, deliver and participate in the commercialization of consumer electronic devices

These devices will allow consumers authorised access to their music collections when listening on a Wi-Fi connected wireless speaker device using a smartphone or tablet through Catch Media’s Play Anywhere Smart Cloud Technology.

Mr Joe Chen, CEO of Now Advertising Product PLC commented: “Our partnership with Catch Media enables Now to leverage an award winning, patented industry backed platform to enhance our consumer’s experience to enjoy their media regardless of their device or operating system throughout their home on our high quality wireless speaker systems.”

Mr Chen continued: “Vendors working with NOW will for the first time be able to enjoy an industry backed integrated technology into Now’s products, which will have the authorised ‘Wi-Fi Use’ stamp of approval.”

Mr. Yaacov Ben-Yaacov, co-founder and CEO of Catch Media, commented: “We are very excited to partner with Now Advertising, which powers devices for brand such as Jensen® and Lenco™. Having software pre-loaded on every device powered by our Play Anywhere platform will give consumers the maximum flexibility and convenience to have access to their content exactly as they desire.”

Mr. Ben-Yaacov concluded, “With this partnership, NOW will be at the very forefront of offering devices that harness the power of the smart cloud to provide consumers with truly the easiest way to share licensed content across disparate devices and operating systems.”

Now’s vendors are displaying these devices, powered by Play Anywhere and with the ‘Authorised for Wi-Fi’ stamp of approval for the first time at CES 2012 and will be available to consumers through retail in quarter one of this year.