Aimed at companies seeking premium, carrier-class Internet services for their mission-critical on-line applications, voice telephony and file uploads and downloads, PowerNGN 100 starts at just £900 per month. Exponential-e is aware that most companies will not want to tie up the full bandwidth available for Internet access. In these cases, the service provider can split the bandwidth into multiple services presented on different physical ports. Quality of Service can be applied to give different performance characteristics to each service.
Significant investment in its very high speed, 10 Gigabit Ethernet, Next Generation Network has enabled Exponential-e to extend the offer to the new regions. The company launched a similar offer in the South East earlier this year.
Lee Wade, Managing Director, Exponential-e said “The availability of competitively-priced, high-performance ICT is vital in supporting productivity and economic growth”. He went on to say “Today’s announcement will give increased choice and new price points to enterprise customers seeking high-performance business-grade connectivity”.
Exponential-e maintains that their enterprise-class Internet service is the fastest available in the UK due to their use of a proprietary routing and traffic distribution algorithm. Exponential-e’s, Route 1 sampling algorithm, effectively builds a virtual bridge between the customer and five, tier one, Transit Providers. The customer’s traffic takes the fastest possible route across the Internet space at every second of the day. The customer need only have one contract with Exponential-e.
Exponential-e launched in 2002 with a commitment to exploiting Ethernet as the de-facto wide area network technology. The company has just recorded its best-ever half-year results and delivery of 60% year-on-year growth saw the company’s inclusion in last year’s Sunday Times Tech Track 100 listing. The company is privately owned.