"Growth of VoIP will bring significant changes to how telephony is used by UK businesses in the near future. Recently the telephony market has opened up to many new entrant suppliers, who currently deliver CPS and WLR, for whom VoIP is a new delivery mechanism to be adopted.
'"We have set up the VoIP group within FCS, the industry Trade Association, to provide a voice for the Communications Providers and Resellers entering the VoIP market, to help to establish their businesses and to provide a collective view into Ofcom on the regulation of this market."
Jacqui Brookes FCS CEO offered her congratulations to Ashleigh Potter, commenting that "by taking the initiative in setting up the Voice over Internet Protocol Group, Ashleigh and the FCS will be able to help the many companies that are moving into this market. Ashleigh has already proved his leadership skills in support of the Fixed Service Provider Association, of which he is co-chair, and has already engaged with Ofcom on behalf of member companies."