Ten years ago Focus Group entered the telecoms industry and quickly became known for its dynamic growth. Over the decade they have successfully built on their product portfolio, paying particular attention to developing a strong staff force and dedication to customer service, resulting in over 7,000 satisfied clients.

Co-founder of the company Chris Goodman - “From our original vision of selling calls and lines and being an organisation based around telecommunications, Focus Group has evolved and grown into one of the industry’s most trusted providers. It’s exhilarating and extremely rewarding to see what was once just an idea develop into a vibrant company that services thousands of businesses. I’m proud of the team, who with hard work and innovative technology, have made the group what it is today”
Focus will be hosting a manifest of promotions and events throughout the year to celebrate. The first of these sees an opportunity for 10 lucky customers to get 10% off their next bill by emailing ten@focus-grp.co.uk with their Focus account number.