It was named Best Distributor in the Centre of Excellence category for Q3, seeing off competitor Avenir who has held the title for the last nine months.
The award was presented by O2 Head of SME Sales David Plumb, who said: “Fone Logistics achieved the highest gross of any distributor so far this year; hand in hand with a 10% increase in new connection ARP.
“This demonstrates that volume and value are not mutually exclusive - fabulous work by Ian and the team.”
This award helps recognise Fone Logistics’ commitment to the O2 network.
Fone Logistics Managing Director Ian Gillespie said: “Fone Logistics has been fighting for the top spot and, with help, hard work and commitment; we have achieved it and will work even harder to hold on to it.
“I would like to extend my personal thanks to all our customers that have attributed to this success.”