Freedom, the voice and data integrator, will co-host a seminar entitled ‘Hosted VoIP – Business Transformation’, with Inclarity, as part of its Business Transformation seminar programme, looking at the potential of hosted IP telephony-based services for companies exploring the potential of flexible working whilst eliminating senior management concerns about employee productivity that often stand in the way of plans to support flexi-working.
Freedom is working with hosted VoIP specialist Inclarity, Microsoft and others to offer hosted applications like tele-presence and web-based conference calling which enable mobile and home workers to keep in touch with their virtual teams whilst working away from the office.
Ed Humpleman, strategic business analyst, Freedom, said: “We are moving into a world where it no longer makes sense for all employees to be permanently office-based or on the road to and from meetings. The advent of IP Telephony, combined with new voice and data applications, makes flexible working a realistic solution for businesses looking to reduce their carbon footprint, cut unproductive staff travel time and ensure compliance with new flexi-working legislation.”