To meet this new demand the firm has invested in putting staff through relevant training programmes over the coming months as it deepens its expertise in order to move to the forefront of the converged voice and data network market. It also bought another voice specialist, TTC, in late 2005 and plans to acquire a data specialist during the next 12 months.
The re-branding is the culmination of five months work that began in January when Freedom commissioned some research into the ‘Converged Market’ and explored how companies could best move into this space. This announcement extends beyond the new look for the company and represents a philosophy that will be adopted company-wide. The firm will strengthen its relationship with all of its key vendors such as Alcatel, Cisco Systems and HP to ensure that it is able to offer its customers quality applications across the full spectrum of their networks.
Tom Perry, head of marketing, Freedom, summed up this announcement by saying:
“Change is upon us and if we are to continue to build on our success we must ensure that we are ahead of the game when it comes to convergence. The ability to fully support our new, and existing, customers across the entire range of their networks needs will be crucial to our continued to success. We have invested heavily in understanding what the future holds for our customer’s IT network needs and remain committed to providing leading edge support and solutions to meet this demand. ”