The awards recorded Freedom as the second fastest growing company in the region in 2006 and the best in terms of operational capability. Freedom's turnover moved up 72 per cent to £17.1 million for the year to 31st March 2006 from £9.97 million the previous year. Gross profit rose 74 per cent over the same period.
Freedom is benefiting from a commitment to convergence, selling several voice/data converged solutions in the last six months. Growth was accelerated by the purchase of Leeds-based Alcatel reseller TTC in November 2005, bringing an additional 500 customers and over 40 employees to Freedom.
Freedom has also declared a commitment to building its data capability through partnership and acquisition and has not ruled out flotation to raise the capital to make a purchase.
Tom Perry, head of marketing, Freedom, commented: "It is great to be recognised externally for all the work we are doing, day-in-day -out to continue to grow Freedom by taking advantage of the seismic shift that is going on in the IT market as a result of convergence. We are successfully managing to grow well while making the necessary structural changes to face this new market - no mean feat."
Pat Botting, managing director and co-founder, Freedom continued: Two years ago we committed ourselves to a three year plan to double the turnover of the company. This included strengthening our UK coverage through acquisition and broadening our offering. It is great to be recognised with this award which is a testament to all the hard work and commitment all our staff have put in to enable us to deliver on this plan."