The reseller now has its own bearer with BT Wholesale which is located in Hex, Telecity.
Commenting on the launch Michael J Thornton, Frontier Voice & Data’s Sales and Marketing Director, said, “We are very excited about the opportunity this provides to the channel. This launch is part of our MyNet portfolio of products and positions us as a data aggregator in our own right.
It means that we can provide bespoke pricing for data connectivity and that our channel partners have a fantastic opportunity to provide quality of service, not only for data, but also for our MyIP telephony range as we can provide the connectivity, routers and network services. Our partners already have a strong pipeline for data connectivity that we are now provisioning directly over our own bearer.”
The MyNet range of services includes all types of data and networking connectivity and this launch is part of the company’s newly branded MyFrontier portfolio of products which was launched in January and is creating strong sales opportunities for Frontier’s channel partners.
Michael added, “The combination of our own bearer with our partnership with Cisco and our MyFrontier range of products means that our channel partners can get the full range of services they need directly from us.”