Chalking up Gamma`s milestone sale was Neil Linter, MD at reseller Glemnet. He enthused: "We have deployed Gamma’s FeaturePlus service into a number of businesses where basic IP Telephony functionality is required. The quality of the call is excellent. One of our customers is a heavy-duty outbound call centre where they have to be able to pick up the phone, knowing that it will not cost very much. They are delighted with the service."
FeaturePlus is a white-labelled hosted voice-over-broadband solution designed to be used with analogue phones, and Gamma plans to step up a gear in pushing the product through the channel.
Richard Bligh, marketing director at Gamma, added: "We want the end user to understand that these services are available NOW and are being sold by 25 per cent of our reseller base successfully. The channel partners are demonstrating the benefits of the product to the end user and selling it based on its functionalities not just price. Another 50 per cent of our partners are currently trailing the product. The feedback so far from both current-user and trailing channel partners has been positive. We have also increased sales training sessions for resellers to one session a month throughout 2007.”