Bligh, Marketing Director of Gamma Telecom, commented, “It is evident that the current telecoms market is a very competitive environment but discriminating resellers based only on size, in order to capture more profitable business from the bigger players is not an approach that will benefit the industry or the network operators. Selling to SMEs through the channel is a strategy that has led to growth and profit for Gamma.
Gamma’s success is proof of this: we capture more new business than any of our competitors because of our commitment to providing the right applications and solutions to all resellers in the market. It is clear to us that some of our smaller resellers have the skills, vision and strategy to become tomorrow’s big players and we look forward to growing with them.”
Bligh continued, “Gamma will continue to fully support channel partners regardless of size and we are looking to capitalise on market opportunities from other carriers that are changing their channel strategy. We have no plans to deviate from our chosen path and we look forward to the continued growth that both the company and its channel partners achieve.”
He concluded, “As the UK’s fastest growing alternative network provider and a major player in IP telephony, Gamma is an example of a business that has stuck by its strategy of working with all channel partners regardless of size. The company’s systems expertise, innovative services and technology leadership has enabled it to provide solutions that are flexible enough to adapt to the needs of all resellers in the SME market. The company has recently launched three IP Telephony services into the channel and will continue to strive to offer its existing and new channel partners the most advanced voice applications and services on the market.”