The group trekked through the Peruvian Andes, crossing three passes over 4000m, the two highest being above 4500m. It was a challenging climb and a number of the team suffered from acute altitude sickness, though through sheer perseverance and determination they all made it Machu Picchu in one piece.
Along the trek the group camped in local villages and spent time with the Andean people. They described it as “very humbling” to see how the locals lived and experience their generous hospitality.
Ian MacPhee, IPT Support Engineer at Gamma, added: “We gave the branded fleeces that Gamma provided to some very grateful local villagers on our last day, so our marketing efforts have now stretched to the Peruvian Andes!”
Over the last 10 months, the group have been actively fund raising for three charities which have a special significance in their lives: CLIC Sargent, Diabetes UK and Friends of the Beatson.
In a bid to raise money, the group have organised a number of activities, including race nights, charity golf days, sponsored cycles and packing bags in various supermarkets, to name but a few. Their efforts have so far raised over £20,000.
MacPhee commented: “The generosity shown by everyone I know at Gamma is really something. It stretches from the office here in Glasgow all the way down to Newbury and London. I’d like to say a huge thank you to all my colleagues at Gamma as I wouldn’t have met my targets if it were not for their generosity.”