The JANET txt service enables the college to communicate on a number of important issues including student timetabling, financial payments, and Moodle virtual learning environment users at the college, now have access via PageOne’s MoodleMobile module. The college, which has over 1,200 students, has set up its entire administration department and five academic divisions with their own texting accounts.
Gateway Sixth Form College chose JANET txt because they wanted to get closer to the student and communicate with them in their own language, by text. Staff at the college differ slightly in the way they use the system; the academic staff primarily use JANET txt to inform students about changes to timetables, the finance department text students the weekly status of their EMA payments and Student Services use texts to send informal reminders to students as part of the application process.
The JANET txt service also proved useful to Gateway College during a recent minor emergency, re-affirming that it was the right decision to use this service.
Paul Taylor, network and corporate data manager at the College explained: “On one occasion, the college had to close when our water supply was cut off, and we sent texts early the next morning when the supply was restored to tell students that the college was re-opening. This prompted many students to correct their mobile numbers with Student Services and reinforced the message that subscribing to a text service was the correct decision. I have no hesitation in recommending JANET txt as a cost effective additional communication tool for colleges.”