The company says their new BCMLITE Option II product is a significant development of its existing unit. The solution will not only provide resilient re-routing of all incoming calls to individual geographic DDIs but also the ability to provide secure recording of calls effectively from within the telephone carrier’s network.
Secure voice recording technology is proving to be a major asset to many organisations, with more and more businesses being required to record all of their inbound and outbound calls for compliance and other legal reasons as well as providing peace of mind with protection and support with possible dispute resolution.
Graham Chick, Chief Executive, Gematech, comments, “Given the significant increase in the adoption of voice recording technologies, the most sensible, and secure, place to locate the recording equipment is in the serving carrier’s exchange – protected from cut telephone cables in the street, failed PBX or damaged building. This is precisely what Gematech’s combined BCMLITE / SVRLITE unit is designed to do – provide a secure, network based voice recording solution as well as a resilient solution to recover by re-routing inbound calls to individual DDIs
In addition, Gematech is now also offering a Carrier Vectoring solution which allows any telecoms manager to switch between alternative selected carriers, on a daily basis if they wish, to ensure all outbound telephone calls are charged at the lowest call tariff available.
Chick continues, “Certainly if organisations are prepared to put in place facilities to enable employees to work from home in times of disaster or crisis, there is no reason why this same technology cannot be deployed on a day-to-day basis. Our new enhanced product with its added functionality and uses can certainly go a long way in helping businesses to achieve a much more flexible way of working.”
Chick concludes, “As organisations are forced to rethink their business strategies, enabling flexible working will be a key element in facilitating an acceptable work/life balance and, critically, ensuring business as usual during unexpected incidents.”