Subscribers to the most advanced parts of the service will also be able to review a detailed breakdown of their individual account usage, including details such as call duration or see the users that incur the highest monthly costs. MyAccount provides access to a set of customised reports for each individual customer, which can then be mined by the user to get a clearer picture of the day to day activity on their account.
All customers will have free access to MyAccount’s standard functions, where they can view their monthly invoice, set access levels for employees, review product summaries and also access personal unlocking codes for handsets.
Genesis customer, Chris Conley, IT service delivery manager at International Financial Data explained how the firm has benefited from the service: “MyAccount has enabled us to put processes in place to allow the cost centre owners to manage the phone usage of their own teams. It has also allowed us to focus on certain individuals with high usage to see who’s been calling and texting. It is good to have all this information at our fingertips and Genesis always implements any changes we require quickly.”
Lynne Mills, customer operations director at Genesis, added: “Moving to MyAccount obviously reduces the environmental impact of paper billing, but also gives our customers a much more effective picture of their account usage. Giving customers the ability to manipulate call data to their individual needs, rather than just simply receiving a monthly paper bill means businesses have the power to manage their account set up, to ensure they have the most effective communications packages in place.”