Shahzad Ahmad, vice president, Cloud Competence Center and Data Privacy for Genesys said, “Providing the best-possible customer experience with maximum efficiency is clearly a major priority for the public sector. We continue to invest in meeting the security and quality standards set forth by the UK government so more public sector organisations can accelerate their adoption of industry-leading omnichannel cloud contact centre offerings from Genesys.
“We are already working with public sector organisations to help them make outstanding customer service a daily reality. Achieving G-Cloud approval gives our public sector customers an added layer of assurances that with Genesys, they can provide service that is both outstanding and secure.”
G-Cloud 10 helps to streamline procurement of cloud-based information technology solutions and services for central government, local councils and other public sector bodies. Created through a partnership between the Crown Commercial Service and the Government Digital Service, G-Cloud 10 is a component of the UK Government’s Digital Marketplace.