Likewise with higher confidence in job security, professionals have shifted their job outlook from risk aversion to pursuit of career development. Increasing numbers of exceptional professionals are looking for their next career move and competition is higher than ever.
How can you ensure success in the new job market?
5 easy steps to success in the new job market
1.Be the custodian of your career
You are the only person that can take control of your career. Think of your career as a path, not a point in time, set realistic goals, plan how you will achieve them and set realistic timeframes for doing so.
Then use your career plan to make smart decisions about your next move. As opportunities present themselves, ensure you have considered your wider options within the market before making the decision to secure an offer. Will this move offer you long term progression prospects, increased market value, an immediate pay rise or immediate career progression? If so, does that fit in with your career plan?
2.Make sure you are attractive to employers
With greater competition, it’s increasingly important to ensure you are attractive to your chosen target market. Be competitive – ensure you are aligning yourself with specialists in your market both geographically and technically. Develop your skills and network to ensure that you are positioned ahead of your peers, and ensure your CV and Linkedin profile is reflective of the value you have added to your firm.
3.Keep your ear to the ground
Even if you feel that a job move is not currently on the cards according to your career plan, it is still important to keep an eye on the market. Things move a lot faster in a buoyant market, so even if an opportunity doesn’t fit with your expected timescales, be flexible and accept that as the market changes it may be necessary for your career plan to do so too.
4.Honesty is the best policy
Your employment contract is a two way street. You provide a service for your employer in return for compensation and future opportunities. Ensure your employer is aware of your career ambitions and that together you agree a clear path of how you can work towards achieving those goals. Stick to your end of the bargain and if they are unable to facilitate your next step on the career ladder within the appropriate timescale, it is probably time to consider your next move.
5.Take action now
This switch in the job market provides a plethora of opportunities. However it also accentuates the opportunity cost of doing nothing. If you are considering a career move, move quickly or you may well get left behind. Top industry professionals have already made their move up the career ladder – what are you waiting for?