Founded in 2004, Gigamon is the creator of patented technology that enables companies to gain complete visibility of all their network traffic, with thousands of units deployed in over 40 countries around the world. Gigamon chose to work with Cohort as a result of its proven track record and excellent brand reputation. In conjunction with Cohort, Gigamon will now be able to reach out further to approach new resellers, and educate the network and security teams that they support on the best practices for application performance, and to quickly identify and react to network threat vulnerability events.
Derek Jackman, VP EMEA at Gigamon said, “Gigamon believes that businesses are essentially experiencing a gap between network infrastructure and the tools used to manage and monitor the network which needs to be bridged. Whether the network is being reviewed for performance, compliance, security or audit reasons the fundamental challenge that needs to be overcome to ensure success remains the same – that all network devices are connected at the same time, and working in parallel, to ensure that data is flowing effectively to the relevant tools.”
Consulting with customers to deliver and deploy an out of band solution, like a GigaVUE intelligent data access switch, represents a substantial opportunity for resellers to not only add new hardware infrastructure to their customers networks but to also ensure that the customer can then deliver multiple operational benefits, such as tool centralisation and removal of lengthy change order management process.
“Whilst there is the potential for the customer to see immediate, or near to immediate ROI, the reseller can also expect to enjoy high margin sales from hardware, as well as securing additional services revenues. Cohort is recognised by its reseller base as providing comprehensive levels of support alongside its ongoing commitment to partner enablement and it was this focused services driven approach that clinched the deal,” Jackman continued.
Cohort recognised that although there are a number of vendors that operate in the networking space, Gigamon was able to offer an innovative approach to technology, a sound business history and an impressive client list.
“I believe that the opportunity for resellers to make an impact in this space is only getting bigger as whilst the majority of enterprises are building networks in response to compliance and regulation requirements many still face issues when it comes to managing and monitoring network performance levels,” added Grahame Smee, Managing Director at Cohort Technology. “Gigamon may be a relatively new entrant to the UK market, but its technology is already being used in larger deployments worldwide which removes any associated risk for the reseller. Together with Gigamon we are putting down some bold plans together geared towards fast expansion in the UK and EMEA and I have no doubt that we will be making some disruptive, but positive, changes to the networking space. This has to be good news for partners who choose to work with us.”