Enterprise users want the ability to choose the device they prefer to use. This demand for choice in the enterprise is a growing trend among organisations. An independent survey, recently commissioned by Good Technology, of 500 IT departments in the US and UK found that nearly 80% of IT directors have seen an increase in employees wanting to use their own mobile devices in the last six to 12 months. More than half of the respondents in the US said they would let employees use their own devices if they were assured of security and configuration.
“There is no denying that Android devices are some of the hottest devices on the market right now,” said John Herrema, chief marketing officer at Good Technology. “We expect to see even more demand within the next year for the ability to let these devices access corporate networks.”
Good for Enterprise requires a single, behind the firewall server with over the air management capabilities from a single management interface. Android isolates enterprise data within the Good application on Android phones, protecting enterprise data from unauthorized access on a wide range of Android phones including the DROID by Motorola—and multiple Exchange and Domino versions, including Exchange 2003 and 2007 and IBM Lotus Domino R7 and R8. These features not only alleviate the burden on the IT manager, but also provide more control and security, in case the Android device is lost or stolen.
The Good for Enterprise user experience on Android devices is customized to be as intuitive and familiar as the desktop, minimizing IT intervention and reducing support costs. The offering prioritizes tasks most important to the business user, such as composing email or viewing rich attachments, making them easily and seamlessly accessible. Good provides secure email, calendar and contacts through a single application, so users can easily multi-task just as they would on a desktop