The information sent through Fibreline travels on a dedicated fibre optic circuit, so speeds of up to 100Mb are not affected by distance from the exchange point or frequent changes by engineers of various suppliers, making it an ideal choice for growing businesses, due to its reliability and fast connection.
The next generation optical fibres are designed to transmit light between two ends of cable, so the messages are sent at the speed of light. They are not affected by electrical interference, like traditional copper wiring, so the connection is as fast as if the exchange was next door.
Peter Gradwell, MD and founder of Gradwell, said: “We’re really excited to launch the latest Fibreline service to the Gradwell offering. We understand that businesses who require fibre connections need to receive the fastest speeds possible; therefore they need to essentially cut out the middle man in the connection chain to achieve this.
“Fibreline is a much faster way to receive data straight to your business, instead of being sent via your local street cabinet from your internet exchange. Many internet providers offer this ‘Fibre to the Cabinet’ (FTTC), which relies on an existing copper infrastructure to service the final section of the connection to the business, so we’re pleased that we have removed this part of the chain and are able to provide our customers with a dedicated and more reliable internet line that isn’t affected by other providers making changes to their services.”
Businesses can choose internet speeds between 10MB and 100MB, which can be upgraded when they grow. As there isn’t a phone line, businesses don’t have to purchase additional line rental to enjoy the benefits of this new service.