Currently time is lost collecting critical data from customers and waiting for the carriers to come back with pricing. Griffin says it has resolved this by creating a multi-carrier quoting tool in their Partner Portal.
Griffin’s quick quote tool allows Partners to receive a single email containing the best rates on EFM and leased lines from 6 major UK carriers with expected installation times on 1, 3 and 5 year deals. Current offers such as zero installation are highlighted in the email. Partners simply choose the line type, postcode, bearer, CDR and service type required then click submit. Moments later a single email arrives, Partners add their margin and branding and forward to the customer.
Lee Broxson, Head of Sales commented, “We automated a complicated process to handle the 500% increase in Ethernet orders seen in the last 12 months. Our ethos is to make it easy for Partners to sell; we help find the leads, we provide the tools to support the ordering and a team to manage installations. Partners selling Ethernet are seeing a decrease in churn and are benefitting from increased ARPU. They are also in a good position to provide data networks and cloud solutions in the future.”