
Halon Security beats Cisco in IPv6 readiness review

To develop, market and sell products that handle IPv6 properly is one thing. But how prepared are the developers themselves for the move to IPv6? With a website called anyone can test of a certain domain is ready for IPv6 or test if their own Internet connection is IPv6 ready.

In a survey of most of the developers of networking and security products on the market, only one of them is actually completely IPv6 compliant. And it’s not Cisco, not Juniper Network or Extreme Networks. It’s Halon Security - a Swedish developer of email and networking security products that has proven and excellent track records with customers all over the world.

"For us it’s all about “eating our own food” so to speak. For years, we at Halon Security have been working with IPv6 and all our products are built from the ground up with IPv6 in mind. So it only comes natural to make sure our own business is IPv6 compliant", says Peter Falck, president of Halon Security.