Plimsoll’s latest research has investigated the overall financial performance of each of the UK’s leading Telecommunication Services companies and scored each on their financial health. Each company has been given a rating of either strong, good mediocre, caution or danger.
David Pattison, Plimsoll’s Senior Analyst, said: “We tested this method of analysis on a study of 351 previously failed companies, including all the latest retail failures, and this showed 320 had a caution or danger rating up to two years prior to their demise.
“This proves our method of analysis can identify the key characteristics of a failing company. If failures are predictable, and if enough warning can be given, the management has time to get a survival plan in place to save the company.
“It is clear from this study the Telecommunication Services market is going through a period of great change and the market is highly competitive. These 288 companies rated as danger are clearly operating under financial pressure and many risk being forced out of the market.”
The study gives a detailed financial analysis of each of the 1020 companies to reveal where each one is strong or weak, showing clearly the difference between a strong and a danger company.
Danger companies in general:
Pattison added: “The 505 companies rated as strong have a real commercial advantage and they are proof the fundamental market is healthy.”