Not a naturally gifted runner Steve’s previous achievements extend to only running as far as 10k but he is very much looking forward to the personal challenge as well as hoping to make a significant contribution to the charity. Commenting on the run Hodges said “I have been training, sort of, mainly by attending Park Run’s on a Saturday morning and the occasional run in the week where time allows. However, having spent a short amount of time volunteering at ‘camp’ last week, promoting the fundraising this week and realising there are only 66 days left, I think I am going to have to up my game.”
Camp Cando has been undertaking fantastic work for many years and has made a significant difference to the lives of many youngsters, their parents and carers. It is run entirely by volunteers and funded completely by donations. Charity Director Steve Smith M.B.E. is enormously grateful for all the support the charity receives and each year and is keen to see the success of Hodge’s efforts. “I have known Mr Hodges for a number of years now and his contribution to camp has been very welcome. That said, I have also seen him attempt a range of physical activity at camp and I sincerely hope he has fully considered the enormity of running half a marathon and at least has a team of people with a first aid kit and a couple of pints of Guinness at the finish line !!” Smith joked, concluding. “And of course we wish him all the best.”
Hodges has set himself a goal of reaching £1,500 in his fundraising efforts but in reality has a much greater ambition than this adding. “I completely understand that the requests for charitable donations from people are both regular and varied nowadays and there are so many worthy causes out there in need of support. I will delighted with any amount we can raise but, as with most things in life, I will be hoping to smash the target I have set.”