
HSC learns from BlackBerry World 2011

HSC has ensured that its dealers continue to remain on the cutting edge of the BlackBerry solution portfolio, through its attendance at RIM’s BlackBerry World event held in Orlando, Florida, in early May.

The mobile distributor sent its top techie, Antony Board, senior technical consultant, to the show to get up to date with the latest developments from BlackBerry.

Attending BlackBerry World means Board is now able to use his refreshed and increased knowledge to help HSC’s dealers learn about new products as they launch, and about new services that will aid them to support customers more effectively.

Board blogged daily from BlackBerry World on everything he saw and heard. He commented: “Being able to attend and blog about BlackBerry World 2011 was a great experience because it enables HSC to prepare our dealers for future product and service launches in the BlackBerry ecosystem, whilst also helping them uncover new ways of adding value and gaining additional service revenues from their existing BlackBerry user base.

“It was also great to see Steve Ballmer, Microsoft’s CEO, on stage at BlackBerry World as it demonstrates how closely RIM will be working with the excellent suite of Microsoft Online Services, which HSC also provides the channel with access too,” Board continued.

“We will take this new insight and knowledge and use it to continuously improve our already-popular support, advice and training programmes. Moving quickly, something that we at HSC pride ourselves in being able to do, we have launched our BlackBerry Protect Installation Online training module through right off the back of our BlackBerry World 2011 insight. This enables our dealers to utilise the most advanced interactive training available, and to personally install BlackBerry Protect as we guide them along the process.”

From the show, the top three BlackBerry knowledge points highlighted by HSC’s Board were: BlackBerry Business Cloud – read the Blog entry here: - The direction BlackBerry Enterprise Server (BES) will take as it moves to a cloud based service later this year. This will be launched through Microsoft Online Services initially, which places HSC dealers at the forefront of this launch; After the sale, now what? - read the Blog entry here: - Giving HSC some excellent new service portals and support mechanisms that it will use to increase customer satisfaction; Tips and Tricks - Getting more, and engaging a user more effectively with the shortcuts already built into a BlackBerry smartphone.

HSC has gained additional insight into new BlackBerry devices, deployment best practices, tips and tricks, BlackBerry Mobile Voice System, training on BES administration, and learning how to manage individual-liable smartphones in customer organisations.

The full Blog from BlackBerry World is available at: