Two metres high and more than six metres in length, the bra took four months of careful crocheting by the Swindon Bitch and Stitch knitting group who thanks to Excalibur’s purchase, have raised £560 for the Against Breast Cancer charity.
Despite attracting around 200 views on ebay, the bra, listed as ‘used’, initially failed to sell, but following interest from the BBC who put the story on to its website, there was no shortage of bids when the giant crochet was relisted.
The bra had been on display at Swindon’s Brunel shopping centre, as Tracey Major, from the knitting group, explained “I’d listed it as ‘used’ because so many people were touching it and doing selfies with it and I thought I can't sell that as new”.
Excalibur, whose managed communications services include mobiles and IT, has yet to decide exactly where to put the giant bra at its new Arclite House home, although Tracey Major did comment “Each cup weighs about five kilograms so it could be used as beanbags."
Karen Thornley, Head of Marketing at Excalibur added “Housing a giant bra wasn’t exactly part of the plan for our new-look office space (!), but when we read on the BBC about the auction for Against Breast Cancer, we were very keen to help such a worthwhile charity”.