Meijers said that mobile network-only solutions currently being used by some operators in Europe are unlikely to succeed. “A high quality viewing experience is extremely demanding on the network, simultaneously requiring high bandwidth and low latency, quickly forcing video services to compete with each other and core voice and data services for precious bandwidth, degrading the quality of service as the number of users grow.
“The solution is to retain the individual nature of 3G connections for key applications such as two-way communications and interactivity, and exploit broadcast technologies to simultaneously achieve both audience scalability and a high quality of service for media services,” he said.
Dedicated broadcast mobile media platforms, such as MediaFLO, are designed to do just that, explained Meijers. “Paired with 3G networks, broadcast mobile media services provide immense content variety and a return path for interactive applications.
“If you want to watch Big Brother, mobile broadcast technology is the answer; if you only want to vote someone off the show, 3G provides the solution. Striking the right balance between 3G and mobile broadcast services and approaching the two as complementary, not competitive offerings, will meet consumer demand and expedite the widespread success of mobile TV.”