The judging panel, consisting of industry experts, agreed that Hyperoptic has, and continues to, lead the way in providing a compelling fibre product to residents through its innovative approach.
Dana Tobak, Managing Director at Hyperoptic comments, “We really appreciate the accolade from Broadband Genie. Hyperoptic plans to continue to provide a beacon of light to residents and, in doing so, bring the UK to the top of the broadband speed league table."
Since Hyperoptic announced it had successfully passed 10,000 homes in October 2012, the demand for fibre has increased at a rate comparable to the broadband speed it delivers. While providers continue to focus on fibre-to-the-cabinet (FTTC) solutions, Hyperoptic remains at the forefront of delivering hyper-fast speeds using technology that will serve internet users today and in the future.
The recognition from Broadband Genie follows the results of a recent Hyperoptic Customer Satisfaction Survey where 83 per cent of respondents were previously experiencing speeds of between 2 Mbps and 8Mbps and today are enjoying hyper-fast speeds of 20Mbps, 100Mbps and 1Gbps.
Although the majority of customers are switching from ADSL2+ products, the number switching from FTTC products to Hyperoptic is also beginning to rise. This is a clear indication that products, including BT Infinity 2, do not deliver the advertised speeds expected by their users. Hyperoptic remains committed to address this deception; and that is only achievable by utilising the best technology to deliver a leading FTTH service to its customers.